How to Protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers?

How to Protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers?

Why Do We Need to Protect Our Account?

Hackers have very less chance to harm you financially by compromising your Facebook account (If you are not using any paid services from Facebook such asFacebook Ads). But as you know, all of us have very personal data and emotions on Facebook i.e messages, chats, mobile no, email address, pages, groups and much more information we have on Facebook, hacker will get access to that information and can potentially damage your reputation by posting something against your personality. In all cases, we should protect our account from being compromised.

Basic Security Tips for Facebook Account

There are a few basic things you need to do in order to keep your account away from hackers, and these basic steps are mandatory for every new and existing account on Facebook, these basic security measures will secure your account from a baby hacker who is just trying to do something for fun.
1) Use a Strong Password 
The first thing you need to secure your account is to select a strong password which must contains lower and capital letters as well as numbers and special characters. Don’t use the common passwords like pakistan123, prince007  and so on. Use a strong password such as (%&rockyTTMembers), and try to change your password after every six months.
2) Add Your Mobile Number 
To make sure you get access back to your account if something goes wrong, you must add your mobile number to your Facebook account and verify it. When you have mobile number attached with your FB account, you’ll always get an SMS from Facebook according to the situation. In order to add your mobile number, please go toSetting and then on the left side you’ll see mobile, click that and add your mobile number.
3) Don’t Open Facebook on all Computers 
Try to only use one device for opening your Facebook account, if you open your account everywhere then it can be hacked easily because your SESSION is activated on that computer’s IP address. However, you can use any computer which you think is trusted, and never save your password or login details on someone else’s computer.
4) Don’t Click Spam Links 
This is one of the biggest problems I’ve seen, most of the new users who don’t know how the web works, they click on spam links in Facebook messages which are sent to them by some known users. These links potentially have phishing software and scripts, which immediately get access to your Facebook password and email. So first carefully watch the links and only click links which are clear and visible.
5) Using Private Browsing Options 
This is a little tip, if you activate private browsing in Mozila Firefox, it’ll protect you from harmful attacks. And you can do the similar in Chrome by opening your Facebook account in a “new incognito window” and nothing will be saved in the browser, I mean the browser will not save your data, so you are safe and sound.

Advanced Tips for Facebook Security

Now here is the actual magic, if you want to highly secure your Facebook account from the top level hackers then you should apply these advanced security tips. Facebook has done a lot for you in order to protect your data from hackers, and you just need to activate some default security features which Facebook offers you. Please follow the steps below.
Boost Your Adsense Earning by Implementing Page-Level Ads

Boost Your Adsense Earning by Implementing Page-Level Ads

What’s Adsense Page Level-Ad?

As per my understanding, this ad type is specifically for mobile users, and as you know, mobile users have been dramatically increasing in the past few years. So this feature can help in targeting mobile users with in-depth close ads and revenue boost. There are two type of new ads introduced in the new feature:
  1. Mobile ads that stick to the edge of the user’s screen and are easily dismissable.
  2. Mobile full-screen ads that appear between page loads on your site and can be easily dismissed by your users.
These two new page-level ads are automatically optimized by Adsense team, and they will serve the ads according to the users and their experience. So keep in mind that these Ads will not change the user experience.

Increase Adsense Earning in Urdu/Hindi

Now here is the video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi to learn this whole thing practically, please watch the video carefully and take the very simple steps to implement the new Page-Lavel Ads introduced by Google.
Top 15 Google SEO Ranking Factors in 2016

Top 15 Google SEO Ranking Factors in 2016

1) Main Keyword in Title

Title is the main part of an article, and it’s equally important as far as SEO is concerned. The first thing Google considers as the signal for SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) is the title tag. You must use your main keyword wisely in your title so that it looks perfect and accurate in the eyes of search engines and especially Google.

2) Keyword in Domain Name

If you have your primary keyword in your domain then chances are high for getting the first position in search engines for the reserved keyword. Keywords in domain name help search engines’ crawlers in finding relevant pages on the same website easily.

3) Domain Name Age

In SEO, this is an old saying that aged domain names are the queens. The more aged domain you have, the more it’s better. If a domain name is 5 years old then chances are very much higher for better ranking as compare to a 1 year old domain name. So this is a real fact.

4) Keyword in H1 & H2 Tags

If content is king and title is queen then H1 and H2 are the ministers. Yes, it’s true if you include the keyword in heading one or heading two, chances for obtaining a better ranking is more than expectations.

5) Content Length

And here it comes the magic, the more lengthy article you have, the more ranking factors you’ll knock. A 2000 words article is five times better than a 500 words article, chances for a 2000 (words) article will be 20% higher than an article having only 500 words. It’s true dude, give it a try.

6) Keyword Density As Low As Possible

Keyword density is the number of keywords you use in the whole article, the maximum limit is 3% but if you use your keywords wisely in the article and keep it up to 1% or 2% then chances are still higher for getting a desired ranking in SERP. Let’s not forget checking the density in your articles using different online tools.

7) Updated Content

Gone are the days when you used to have a piece of content for years and decades. This era is called “Dynamic era” which means you have to update your content every time when there is a change in the technology or in the thing you’ve written about. Make it a habit to change the content according to latest trends.

8) Images & Videos in Article

A few years ago, We used to rank up text based content very easily in Google, but that’s not the case now, you have to add media and videos to your articles/posts in order to get a consistent position in search engines. Don’t use too much images and videos in your article, but a balancing ratio between content and media is must.

9) Website Speed & Mobile Optimized

If your website is not opening in 2 seconds then you are in hot waters. If you don’t have a mobile friendly version of your website then you are really in troubles. Make sure to speed up your website and make it mobile friendly so that everybody on every device can access it easily, and search engines love this thing.

10) Domain Authority

Domain Authority (DA) is something that you should care about, before this, there was Page Rank which we used to improve overtime. But now, DA has taken the place, you should build backlinks with websites which have higher Domain authority than your site. If you can make your DA rank above 40 or 50 then celebrate it.

11) W3 Validation

If your site’s HTML/CSS and JavaScript code is valid according to w3 consortium then it’s a great plus point for you, don’t be lazy, take out some time and check whether your site’s code is really validated or not.

12) Sitemap For Your Website

Sitemaps are still considered one of the important factors for ranking your website, search engines’ crawlers love to go through the entire map of your site and find more relevant pages to index in their database.

13) Penguin Safe & Relevant Backlinks

Penguin is one of the algorithms Google introduced to catch up spammy backlinks, and now you have to be very careful while creating backlinks, because it can go negative against you. Therefore, always create penguin safe and relevant backlinks. Irrelevant backlinks are also considered as negative backlinks.

14) Avoid Duplicate Content

You should 100% avoid creating duplicate content, if you have clean content on your site and every page is unique without any duplicate copy then believe me, you’ll be the boss. Search engines don’t excuse duplicate content.

15) Social Shares

Social Media is very powerful these days in terms of SEO, it really matters. If you have more likes, shares and comments on your blog post then it’ll give a positive and strong signal to Google for ranking up your content very quickly. So make sure to produce useful content and get maximum social shares from your readers.
How to Hack Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram Using SS7 Flaw

How to Hack Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram Using SS7 Flaw

How to Hack Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram Using SS7 Flaw

As we keep receiving questions from our readers about “How can we hack Facebook?” “Tell me the method to hack whatsApp”. Recently Researchers mentioned that we can use the very recognized Telecom Flaw, to hack WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook.
If we talk about WhatsApp and Telegram it recently enabled 256-bit encryption. For those who don’t know about this type of encryption then let me tell you this encryption could take months to decode a sentence.
WhatsApp and Telegram both the apps are end-to-end encrypted and both suffer from same hardware vulnerability which can be hacked to seize control of both WhatsApp and Telegram.
If we talk about your Facebook accounts that it can also be hacked, it doesn’t matter how strong is your password. Hackers just need your phone number to hack your Facebook account.
The Flaw rests in Signaling protocol SS7 (Signalling system 7) is a set of telephony signaling protocols developed in 1975, which is used to set up and tear down most of the world’s public switched telephone network (PSTN) telephone calls. It also performs number translation, local number portability, prepaid billing, Short Message Service (SMS), and other mass market services.
SS7 has long been known to be defenseless to hacking since 2008. According to the sources, the protocol vulnerability of SS7 can be used by government agencies to track the movements of cell phone users from anywhere in the world.
Here are the three videos that will show you how researchers managed to hack Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook accounts using the SS7 flaws.
How to Develop CMS Based Websites?

How to Develop CMS Based Websites?

What’s a CMS?

According to Wikipedia:
“A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content using a common user interface and thus usually supporting multiple users working in a collaborative environment.”
There are many popular CMS on the internet to help you in specific situations such as creating blogs, creating online stores, making digital agency etc. Some of the CMS are listed below with detailed functionality, working in specific conditions & their development as well.
  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Magento
  • PrestaShop
  • Osclass
Now let’s jump into details for every single CMS mentioned above and explore them.
Pre-requirements to Develop CMS Based Websites, which are necessary before moving forward:
Domain Name: such as
Hosting: to install CMS and create websites.
Cpanel: hosting includes cpanel to install and work better than FTP account.
Theme/Template: The Design for specific CMS called Theme or Template. You can find FREE or premium Designs on and other websites.

1# WordPress CMS:

By Wikipedia:
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL installed on web server to create websites.
It was released first on May 27, 2003. Till 2015, over 60 million websites have been created with WordPress.
WP (WordPress) has changed the direction and dimension of dynamic web development. It made development process so easy, now a non-technical person can also create his/her blog, portfolio or digital agency within a few hours.
Purpose of Use:
I must say WordPress was basically made for blogging. But now it can be used to create any type of website such as an ecommerce store, video sharing portal and learning management system etc.
Process of Web Development via WordPress:
  • First of all install WordPress zip file (Download here) using cpanel provided by hosting company.
  • Go for any theme (Website Design for WordPress).
  • FREE Themes are available on
  • You may find amazing premium themes. Let say ThemeForest is best place to find premium themes: Go to This Link
  • Install your desired theme and read documentation to make your site same like the DEMO you see there.


                            Linux is an operating system just like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS. It has been around for quite some time, and has since reached a user-base that spans industries and continents. For those not in the know, Don’t worry We’ll let you know to get up to speed on the Linux platform. The Good news is that with so many :

Best Websites To Learn Linux Online:

#1 Linux programming

This can be your starting point for learning how to develop Linux programs and administer Linux Systems. It also has a detailed explanation for some of the FAQ’s like why is Linux important, the difference between Linux and Unix etc.

#2 Norm Matloff’s Unix and Linux tutorial Centre

Norm Matloff, a professor of computer science, wrote a variety of free Linux and UNIX tutorials for independent study. In addition to presentations providing guidance for complete beginners, he included more advanced information.

#3 The complete beginners guide to Linux

Linux is actually everywhere. It’s in you phone, in your Roku devices. It runs most of the Internet, the supercomputers making scientific breakthrough, and the world’s stock exchanges. But before Linux became the platform to run desktops, servers, and embedded systems across the globe, it was ( and still is) worry-free operating systems available.

#4 Linux Security for Beginners

This free course from Linuxtopia helps beginners navigate Linux security. It explores everything firewalls, wireless security, and more. A great resource for anyone interested in learining how to use Linux safely and securely.

#5 Linux basic Concepts

Some more additional tutorials to teach the basic concepts are available here. So go to the website and just grab the cool tutorials that we help you a lot.