12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense + FREE Bonus Checklist

12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense + FREE Bonus Checklist


Here are the most common rejection reasons and Google AdSense requirements that you should keep in mind before we get into details.

1.  Insufficient content / Unacceptable site content

Your website doesn’t have enough text on for Google specialists to review.
Google gives a lot of value and attention to the content of the blog before accepting it. If the content is poorly written and has grammatical mistakes Google will reject the blog right away.
Not only the content needs to be grammatically correct, it must be unique and has to provide value to the users and readers of the blog. So the number one reason is the poorly written content on your blog.

2. Page Type / Design of your blog

What will you do if you land a page with full bright yellow background with white text on it, having huge buttons all over the place?
Yes, you’ll never visit that website again .
Blogs which are poorly designed and are hard for the visitors to understand gets rejected by Google AdSense. You must have a good and neat design which comforts the eye and is beautiful in the look.

3. No Privacy Policy, About Us or Contact Us page

There are some pages which you must have before applying to Google AdSense if you want to get accepted.
These are about us, privacy policy and contact us pages. These pages give the impression that you are a professional and that you are working according to the Google policies. Keep in mind that having a privacy page is also one of the requirements for Google AdSense.

4. Site Does Not Comply With Google AdSense Policies

No rich, unique and meaningful content, no organic traffic, pages with little to no original content or bad user experience through clear navigation and organization.
Your website may be the one that drives traffic through illegal sources, sites with excessive keywords or poorly coded design are usually rejected.
So you need a complete guidance and list of things that you need to do before applying for Google AdSense.


1. Write High-Quality Content:

The #1 thing you need to do before applying for Google AdSenseis to write high-quality content. This is very important thing which you can’t ignore at any cost. I mean it!
Google loves the blog who are providing high-quality content and theirvisitors are enjoying it. Keep in mind that your application will be reviewed by humans and you have to impress them to get approved by AdSense.
A high-quality content…
  • is unique and original
  • with proper headings and bullet lists
  • free from grammar and spelling mistakes
  • is long enough
  • useful and informative
Helpful resources:

2. Create Privacy Page for Your Blog:

One of the common mistakes that most new bloggers. Even though there are people out there who say that having a privacy policy for a blog doesn’t make sense but they are wrong!
The first thing you will need to apply for Google AdSense and get approval is the privacy policy of your blog or website. If you don’t have it you cannot get approval simple is that.
Why is it important?
It’s requirement of AdSense and secondly, this privacy policy means you are not a scam and gives the sense of a serious business. Google will check the rest of the conditions only if you have this policy.
A privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a privacy policy. While it can affect somehow on your AdSense approval, you must give it a try.
You can write it yourself or find Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway).
Helpful guide:

3. Create About Page:

Like privacy policy, you must have an about page so that you can get approved. This also shows that there is a real person behind the blog.
An About page has a major role and importance even if you don’t want to apply for AdSense. But when it comes to AdSense, they are about zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.
About page simply describe you and your blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust you.

4. Setup A Contact Us Page:

It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion.
What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Then it is better to give them an opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.
Create a contact page, if possible add your email that you are going to apply for Google AdSense. If possible do get some professional email address like ammar@allbloggingtips.com and your social profile links too.
By creating this you are telling Google that we care for our customers, visitors and we are ready to help them. They can contact us anytime.
It will also show the Google AdSense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and AdSense.
Check out my contact page to get some idea.
One important step: Google AdSense mention in their rejection email that your website should have a clear navigation menu to help your readers find your pages and access the content before you think about applying again for AdSense.
So, what you’ve to do is to work on your menu by adding all important categories and pages i.e about us, contact us and privacy policy to help your readers easily find the content that they are looking for. The more you care about improving your visitors experience the higher chances will be to get approved by AdSense.
Here’s an example to illustrate this point.
add important pages to adsense

5. Verify Your Name and Email:

When you apply don’t forget to put your name and email address in some easily visible area like about and contact pages. It will confirm to Google AdSense team that it is the same person who applied for AdSense and not some spam, crappy bots.
This will speed up the verification process and within no time, you’ll be able to enjoy fully approved AdSense account.

6. Have Some Good Number Of Posts:

What should be the minimum number of posts before applying for Google AdSense? There is no confirmed answer.
Not even one.
Because I have seen very established blogs with 300+ posts and their owner telling me that Google AdSense is rejecting them while somewhere bloggers with few posts or even less than 10 are enjoying making money with AdSense.
Exactly, what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things.
According to my experience, the best time to apply for AdSense account is when you have at least 20 good quality posts. Your blog posts length should be at least 600+ words with quality content.
Dillon got his AdSense account approved with just 3 posts, 115 views, and 2 comments. Isn’t that great?
I visited his blog and noticed these things that actually matters to get Adsense approved.
  • Simple and clean design
  • Easy to navigate blog
  • Unique niche
  • Detail content
  • No “unwanted” widgets
minimum requirement for posts

7. Make Sure You’re 18+

This is the mistake that new bloggers are making who are less than 18. They write incorrect age and get into trouble.
Use your correct date of birth and age while applying for Google AdSense account.
Because Google AdSense is not for people who are under 18. Some people realize this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason.
So I advise you to be accurate while typing your age.

8. Improve Your Blog Design:

As mentioned earlier, you blog design matters a lot. It should be professional and not like a messy photo gallery. A clean, professional and fast-loading design is appreciated by Google.
When you visit a website what’s the first thing you look for? It’s blog design.
You’ve to build a good first impression on your blog readers to engage them.
Your blog design is the biggest thing after content. This represents your expertise, experience, and professionalism. It should have following features:
  • Simple and professional
  • Easy to navigate
  • Proper menus
  • No useless items in sidebar or footer
  • Search engine friendly
  • Fast loading
So be careful because anything can kill your chances of getting approved by AdSense.
There are thousands of websites who provide free professional looking themes for your blog. All you need to do is to search for them.
If you’re on WordPress self-hosted blog then I recommend getting a premium theme from MyThemeShop.
And if you are still using blogspot then there are many great websites where you can find free professional looking blogger templates for your blog.
Check out my post on the reasons to invest more money on your blog.

9. Check Your Content Type:

Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters.
Here are some common content types that are not accepted by AdSense.
    • Pornography/Adult materials
    • Pirated Content
    • Hacking or Cracking Tutorials
    • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
    • Any Other Illegal Stuff
    • There are few languages that are supported by AdSense so make sure your blog language is in the list of these.
AdSense supported languages
Google AdSense team mentioned in one of their forum posts that they stopped accepting niches that are already saturated i.e making money, marketing, website and SEO stuff. You can read more here.
If you already have written about these content that AdSense doesn’t support, you can either stop dreaming about AdSense or get rid of these content.

10. Use Top Level Domain:

Google has made changes to their policies. If you have a blog with blogspot and the domain is yourblog.blogspot.com then chances are you will get approved quickly.
But you will not be able to use that on any other domain like .com. You’ll have to submit the request to upgrade your AdSense account.
As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain. It will cost anywhere from $10-$15/year. You can buy the domain from Godaddy or Namecheap.
The best domain is the one with .com extension. Choose a short, unique and easy to remember domain that is related to your blog niche.
Another important thing about the domain is its age. Because for some of the Asian countries like India, AdSense has placed domain age restriction. They don’t accept any sites which are less than 6 months old.
There are many AdSense stories that I read on many forums that some people got approved for few weeks old blog and other got rejected for the blog that is even more than 6 months old. So age doesn’t really matter when you have a high-quality blog that’s focus more on helping your visitors.
If you’ve a website that is less than 6 months old then you can still consider applying for AdSense.
Shibam got accepted by Google AdSense with 28 posts and a 6 months old blog. He managed his blog from mobile only.
shibam adsense approved

11. Remove Other Ad Networks:

If you have any other ads placed like Chitika, Infolinks, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.
Make your blog free from ads.
Even Google AdSense allows you to use other ad networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from AdSense team which usually takes anywhere from few days to weeks.
So, before submitting your application for Google AdSense make sure to remove all the ads on your blog from any other network.

12. Check Your Traffic Sources:

Google hates the sites that are getting paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting approved by AdSense for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from search engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google AdSense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.
Also, note,that Google does not accept site which gets traffic from illegal sources. So focus on getting traffic from legal sources like social media, search engines, and related blogs.
Top 15 Killer Tips To Increase Page Rank! and site traffic.

Top 15 Killer Tips To Increase Page Rank! and site traffic.

increase Page Rank

1. High Quality Content:

In order to increase Page Rank you must have unique quality content which your readers want to share with their friends. You can read Tips For Writing Engaging Content.

2. Site Submitting:

To boost Page Rank you must have high quality Backlinks and the best way to generate quality backlinks is to submit your site on different web directories and article directories.

Some Good Web And Article Directories Are:

  • DMOZ
  • Yahoo Directory
  • Best Of The Web
  • Ezine Articles
  • Article Base
  • Go Articles

3. Guest Posting:

This is one of the most used and best technique to increase Page Rank. Most Blogs have options of guest posting through which you can post at their blog and get two or three backlinks in return to your blog this really helps if you are posting on good Page Rank Blog with the same Niche as yours.

4. Link Exchange:

This is one of the most old techniques but it still works, in order to get a good PageRank you should get higher Page Rank sites to link to your site, through this you will firstly get a good Page Rank and will get traffic from that site.

5. Keep Updating:

Google really likes Sites that keep their content fresh and unique. The more you post, the more Google will crawl your site and the more chances for you to increase page rank ;)

6. Commenting On Other Blogs:

Link Building
Commenting is a very crucial process in generating a good Page Rank. In Blogging Community you must be very socially active. Some Blogs are Do-Follow, which can help you generate back links to your site by just commenting on their posts. Nowadays most blogs have CommentLuv Plugin installed on their site which automatically places a link to their last blog post at the end of their comment

7. Social Bookmarking:

Social Bookmarking is a very effective method to increase Page Rank because by sharing your Site on different Social Sites you will get a free Backlink and Traffic. Some of the most popular Social Bookmarking Sites Are:
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus
  • Squidoo
  • Digg
  • Hub Pages
  • Stumble Upon

8. Website Accessibility:

If Your Website is down for a long period of time, Google may reduce the ranking of your site. So You should always keep Your Website accessible.

9. Using Commonly Searched Keywords:

As You know people search using keywords and not the whole sentence so if you have used a keyword which is very frequently searched then you get a higher chance of your website being visited and MORE VISITORS = BETTER PAGE RANK.

10. Website Advertising:

You can make an Ad or a banner for your site and advertise it on different website, through this you will get good back links and traffic.

11. Create Multiple Pages:

If You create multiple Pages on Your Site this will strengthen yourinternal linking and will ultimately increase Page Rank.

12. Participate In Forums:

Google loves forums that are most frequently updated and by getting a back link from these forums you will succeed on increasing Page Rank.

13. Using Signatures:

You can add a link to your website in your online signatures. For example, you can add signatures in your email and forum posts but don’t try to spam because you can be blocked.

14. When Does Google Re-Evaluate Page Rank?

Google Re-Evaluates Page Rank about Three to Four times per year, so almost every Three months Google calculates Your Page Rank again.

15. Never Use Illegal Tactics:

Using illegal tactics can get you banned from Google and Google is very smart so never think that you can deceive Google because if they find out that you are using illegal techniques which are against their policy they will block you. Stay away from those tactics using these legitimate techniques will improve traffic.
8 Reasons Why I Hate Google Adsense

8 Reasons Why I Hate Google Adsense

I hate Google Adsense

8 Reasons Why I hate Google Adsense?

You may think I have personal reasons for writing this post.
No, this is not like that.
I don’t want any new bloggers, my web friends and new web-masters to quit blogging just because google adsense is not approving their blog. There are far better ways to make money without adsense.
Let me know in comments if you want me to write another post on making money without adsense.

1. AdSense Make Readers Leave The Site

The first thing I hate about google adsense is it make the readers leave the site.
When someone click on ad, they leave your site. Because adsense links doesn’t open in new tab. Majorty of Adsense ads are CPC based. In order to make money readers have to leave your blog.
So, would you like to lose readers just for few cent?
The visitor that leave your website can be;
  • A lost subscriber
  • A lost sale
  • and so on..

2. Getting approved is so hard!

I’ve been asked so many times by other bloggers, why google adsense is not approving their sites.
Google is getting strict day by day. They don’t approve any blog easily even if its six month or one year old. If you make site perfect to apply for adsense. There are less chances they’ll approve the site.

3. Too many rules to follow, Huh?

Just Try reading their terms and Conditions you’ll know what I mean.
They have too many rules to follow. Even if you follow them, they’ll ban your adsense account. Once you get ban, you’ll never get adsense back!

4. Email Support Just Sucks!

Google adsense have email support. But you’ve to wait for too many days to get reply from them.
You might need another support to get their reply. ;)

5. Once you get banned, you can never get back in.

If you try getting approve for adsense for a new blog. They won’t approve your application. Even if you follow all the google adsense rules and TOS. There are chances that adsense will ban your website.
Once you get banned just forget adsense. They won’t let you to get back in the program again.

6. Low Cost Per Click (CPC)

If you are not from US or Western Europe – forget about big earnings.
For rich European countries price per click is relatively good. It could be $1 2$ or even more than this. It depends on keywords.
So, If you are getting daily 100-1000 daily you won’t earn much money.
That means, if your sites get small portion of such traffic – you will receive $0.01 – $0.05 for clicks.
Might be around 1$-10$ a month. Adsense pays very less per click.
If you have high traffic, many big advertisers will contact you to pay much better than adsense

7. Little Editorial Control

Do you know Google has over 100,000 advertisers or might be more than this.
You have no control which one can advertise on your blog or not. Isn’t that sucks?
If you want full control over ads you can use OIOPublisher for WordPress. This is the best plugin to manage all ad spot, advertisers, payments and stats.

8. Big delay in payment

First in order to receive money from adsense you have to verify your home address. Adsense sends pin that might take 2 or 3 months depend on where you live.
Adsense minimum payout is 100$, once you reach this minimum amount. You have to wait for many weeks or a month to receive checks.
Your thoughts please
So above were few reasons why I hate google adsense [You Should too!]
My blog niche is blogging, most of readers are bloggers and webmasters. They don’t click on adsense and other reasons for not using adsense are given above. That’s why I am not using google adsense anymore on this blog.
I haven’t listed other reasons why AdSense sucks and it is not really thebest way to make money from blogging, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Not Happy With Godaddy? Try Some Of The Best Alternatives,godaddy alternatives.

Not Happy With Godaddy? Try Some Of The Best Alternatives,godaddy alternatives.

namecheap best godaddy alternative for domain


Namecheap is one of the best Godaddy alternatives when it comes to the domain registration. It is even the top most domain providers around the globe. They are hosting 5 million+ domain.
Unlike Godaddy, Namecheap rates are impressive. Godaddy charges $11.99 for .com domain registration while domain at Namecheap cost $10.69 + FREE privacy (value at $2.88).
I’ve been using Namecheap for more than 4 years and much happy with them. They provide 24/7 live chat support and is very responsive to email support as well. I never had to wait for more than 60 seconds to get connected to their live agent. The domain registration, transfer, and renewal prices are great as compared to Godaddy.
Customer Database2 million+13 million+
.com registration$10.69$11.99
.com renewal$10.69$14.99
Domain privacy$2.88$9
Live Support24/7Mon-Fri

Transfer Price

Transfer of a .com domain costs $9.87, .net – $12.06, .org – $11.48, .co – $22.99, .me – $15.99 including ICANN fee.
TRANSFER YOUR DOMAIN TODAY (and get free domain privacy)

What you’ll get..

Here are some of the pros and features of Namecheap which is best Godaddy alternative for domain.
  • FREE domain privacy (valued at $2.88)
  • Easy to use and cClean interface
  • No upsells or bullsh*t
  • SSL for $1.99 only
  • Excellent knowledgeable customer support team.
  • Consistent renewal charges
  • #1 registrar according to Lifehacker survey
best godaddy alternative for hosting

InMotion Hosting

InMotion is a U.S based web hosting company founded in 2001. Their exclusive support quality makes them superior among other existing companies. For me, InMotion is a great alternative to Godaddy hosting.
This is the web hosting I currently use to host this website and couldn’t be more than happy. The customer support is superb. They never took more than 2 minutes to respond to live chat and fix the issue. In fact, they have the best customer support as compared to other hosting companies listed here and that’s why I love them.
They have best plans to handle all your needs, from shared hosting to dedicated servers. The launch plan costs $4.89/mo and allows you to host 2 websites along with unlimited bandwidth and disk space. Power plan gives you freedom to host 50 websites for $6.29/mo and Pro plan allows you to host unlimited websites and domains for just $10.49/mo.
TRY INMOTION TODAY (Get 38% off discount and free domain)
What you’ll get..
  • Free domain name
  • Fast SSD hosting
  • 2 website on basic plan
  • Unlimited bandwidth and storage
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Low renewal rates
  • 90 days money back guarantee

Why I’m a big fan of InMotion hosting?

  • Free domain credit – Some companies offer one free domain with hosting when you signup for an account. You’ll get one free domain credit for your account. If you signup for hosting and want to register a domain name later, simply contact their support and they’ll buy a domain for you – no extra cost. You’ll get one free domain credit for your account.
  • Fast SSD hosting – Your website will be loading very fast due to SSD technology.
  • 90-day money back guarantee –  Industry standard is 30 days. InMotion gives you 90 days money back guarantee so if you’re not happy with them (which isn’t what I think) you can ask for a full refund.
  • Renewal rates are impressive.
bluehost godaddy hosting alternative


Bluehost is definitely one of the top choices when it comes to web hosting and is a great Godaddy alternative because of unbeatable pricing as compared to Godaddy. It comes out as the best option when you need to establish a WordPress blog.
The company hosted more than 2 million websites that maintain a relationship between a vast range of customers. With latest technologies and excellent infrastructure Bluehost successfully sustained in the market of the top web hosting companies.
What I really like about Bluehost is their hosting is affordable and they are officially recommended by WordPress.org. You can get your website up for just $3.49/mo (using this link).
The starter plan costs $3.49/month and allows you to host only one website. With Plus plan for $5.95/month you can host unlimited websites and for business pro plan ($13.95/mo) you can get 1 SSL, 1 dedicated IP and free marketing credits.
The customer team is great, friendly and knowledgeable. They also have tutorials, guidance, WordPress installation videos and a number of articles  to help you out in setting up your blog.
What you’ll get..
  • Inexpensive hosting
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • 99.92% uptime and good response time
  • Enhanced cPanel with multiple tools for an easy user-interface
  • One click WordPress installation
  • Free domain
  • 24/7 support
  • Automated backups, daily and weekly.
siteground wordpress hosting


Siteground is a popular hosting company and is also recommended by WordPress.org. They are well known for the fast web hosting solution. They use super cache technology to speed your WordPress website insanely.
Siteground have professional and fast customer support. My experience with them is superb and that’s why I recommend them. I hosted this blog with them for one year and moved to InMotion recently. My blog was loading very fast due to their cache technology. The support team is awesome and takes no more than one minute to get connected with you.
Siteground has established data centers in three continents. Considering the website speed and stability factor, it has built centers in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
The company was founded by University friends in the year 2004. Gradually, it becomes one of the leading hosting providers in the world. It also claims to host 500,000 domains.
What you’ll get..
  • SSD drives on all hosting plans.
  • Super Cache technology – pre-installed cache plugin to boost the website performance
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Instant Live chat and phone facility
  • Hosting Plans starts with $3.95 to $14.95 per month
  • Free domain name for life
  • Intuitive cPanel
  • Automated Backups
  • Renewal rates are twice the signup rates
  • Only 20GB allowed on basic plan


Dreamhost is another popular web hosting company started in 1997. The company is built on open-source technology to reach customer success.
They offer domain registration, cloud services, and web hosting to more than 1.5 million website and blogs. The customer count has extended to 400,000 potential customers. The company has got Dream server for bloggers, webmasters, developer, designer or business.
They not only provide web hosting but is a great option if you want to register a domain name. They’re one of the award winning web hosting companies out there.
With rocket-solid hosting plans and amazing features, the company has attracted a number of customers.
What you’ll get..
  • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
  • Unlimited Domains
  • One Free Domain
  • Hand-rolled Control Panel
  • Award winning Customer support
  • 100% Uptime guarantee
  • 97 days money back guarantee
  • Cutting-edge malware scans
  • Custom CPanel which might confuse beginners